Art Transforms Lives Every Day.
You Make It Happen.
In December 2024, JDPP will celebrate 35 years of Moving for Change – using the wisdom of the body in dance, spoken word, visual art, and song to call attention to pressing issues and marginalized people. Throughout the year, JDPP is looking back on the vision and values that have created amazing performances and done incredible things in the world as we continue moving for justice and our shared humanity, with fresh eyes and a stronger commitment than ever, culminating in our Turning the Page gala celebration on December 6, 2024.
Frequently asked questions
Can I donate securities, crypto, or make IRA required minimum distributions?
I have a Donor Advised Fund. Can I use that to make a gift?
Can I make a gift in kind?
Is my donation secure?
Do I get a receipt?
How is my personal data handled?
Other Ways to Support JDPP
Become a Sponsor
Does your business or community group want to connect with potential customers and support JDPP's work? We will craft the perfect opportunity for you. Visit our sponsorship page to learn more about levels and benefits.
Serve on the Board
Do you have time, expertise, and/or community connections? We welcome people from business, education, legal, and community service backgrounds on our Board of Directors. Let us know you're interested and we'll connect you with our Governance Committee chair.
Do you have some time to give? JDPP welcomes people 18+ to assist with our programs and performances. Let us know if you would like to volunteer to work on our team.
Thank you to Our Funders
Accounting Resources, Inc.
American Endowment Foundation
Berkshire Bank Foundation, Inc.
City of Hartford
Common Sense Fund
Commonwealth Cares Fund Inc.
Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut
State of CT DECD Office of the Arts
Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation
Ellen Jeanne Goldfarb Memorial Trust
Ensworth Charitable Foundation
Fidelity Charitable
Gawlicki Family Foundation
George A. and Grace L. Long Foundation
Give Lively Foundation, Inc.
Greater Hartford Arts Council
Greater Hartford Community Foundation, Inc.
Hartford Foundation For Public Giving
Hartford International University for Religion and Peace J. Walton Bissell Foundation
Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford, Inc.
Jewish Federation Foundation of Greater Rhode Island
L.T. Murray Family Foundation
Morgan Stanley Gift
Network For Good
Hartford Athletic
Sebastian & Company Hair Design
Sisters of St. Joseph Corporation
The Ahearn Family Foundation
The Diebold Foundation
The Hartford
VMLY&R Foundation
Watkinson Prisoners' Aid Society
... and YOU!